26 December 2024
I am Raghav Aggarwal, focused on bringing the latest trends in digital photography to aspiring photographers and hobbyists. I work to build a team of experienced photographers dedicated to sharing their practical knowledge with young talent, helping them turn their passion for photography into a career.
People get interested in photography because of several reasons. Some are interested in artistic expression while others may wish to capture memories spent with friends and family.
Studying photography may seem like an overwhelming task. Digital cameras feature many menus and settings that will seem intimidating at first. There is so much to learn.
Take note first that photography is an art form. In case you take the camera, compose a shot, make adjustments in exposure, get into focus and click the shot, you are not just shooting a picture; you are creating a photograph. You are basically learning to express yourself creatively while studying photography and videography courses.
Here are a few tips to help study photography:
Try to learn maximum about your camera, inside out. Study about the major camera settings and how to change them, without referring to a user manual. Your camera has possibly several features and settings which may confuse you and make you feel intimidated. But don’t hold back because of this reason.
Begin by garnering as much information about your camera from the owner’s manual given by the manufacturer or from YouTube and other apps. You can also learn a great deal by reading product reviews by third parties.
In case you are not aware, you can begin studying photography by doing research on works by major artists and photographers. These include painters of yore or modern masters who are experts at Photoshop.
Many novice photographers think that they failed to get the perfect shot because of not having the best DSLR camera. But the premise holds true that ‘the best camera is the one you have’ which even refers to a smartphone camera.
It is a fact that you don’t require the most expensive camera for taking the best photos. Also, owning the costliest camera will not make you top of the photography class. You will get a winning image if you just stick to the main rules of composition and enjoy the best type of light.
To count as best among your photography class, do make it a habit to visit galleries whenever you get the chance. These include photography exhibitions and local art galleries. There is a lot you can learn from other artists and professionals.
Take a break from studying the technical aspects of your camera and begin learning the art of photography. A good place to start is to study composition.
Whenever possible shoot in RAW. RAW files are not compressed and require being processed using programs such as Lightroom and Photoshop. These files are substantially bigger than jpeg files and this is a positive facet since they contain more data enabling you to adjust colors, sharpness, contrasts, shadows, and highlights.
Do not be shy and scared about taking a bad picture. You can master photography only by process of trial and error. Instead of clicking photos at eye level, try to experiment with vantage points and different heights. You will be surprised by the results. Also, try to get as close to your subject as possible to capture the whole image.
These are some tips for staying on top of your photography class.